Turns For Tom X2
March 19, 2016
Our Second Annual Fund Raising Event
In fond but aggrieved memory of Tom

Last year, Tom clearly sent a message from above...

Video Clips
Watch live action !

A gathering of like-minded souls

Girard (aka G-man) tunes up

Even Chicago Johnny made it up
Still celebrating St Paddy's Day !

Brian, Ashley, and Kelsey X2 !

Don't worry Sally. You'll get over stagefright.

Sounds good from over here...
Do you know Freebird ?

We can work that out

Kim & Pat

Gotcha !

Quick. Show me the chords to "Freebird".


What are they all lookin' at ?

The Deckster Obstacle Course !
Ready for action, just like the official timekeeper

On a magic carpet ride...

Marie encounters the haybale obstacle

Soon followed by the water hazard !

Super-Joe passes right thru the haybale wall
Using super-vibrations to penetrate solid matter !

Faster than a speeding turtle !

I can't f*(#&! believe it ! Can you ?

Well done, Bill

Johnny's seen enough, already
Thanks for delivering that load of toxic water for the course !

The long journey to future glory ?

A new banner

Deckster Engineering X2

I think an ant is crawling up my leg !

And the winner is...

It ain't me, babe !

We win ! Whatever it is !

I have my doubts...

Me too...

What do the official rules say ?

We win again !

We won, too !
Probably thanks to another of Tom's supernatural interventions

Fire good !

Shotski good, too !

Or maybe, not !

Life's all a big blurrr...
So... let's dance !

I'm Tom O'Malley, and I approve of this message

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