9 Perrot State Park, October 2012

Perrot State Park

Trempealeau County, Wisconsin

October 2012

Perrot State Park lies just outside the little river town of Trempealeau (pronounced "TRUMP-a-low") in western Wisconsin. The name "Trempealeau Mountain" is a corruption of the French "La Montagne Qui Trempe a Leau" which means "the mountain whose foot is bathed by water".

I like to come here in October to camp out, hike along the bluffs, have a few beers at the Hotel Trempealeau, and take in the spectacular scenery. Unlike Northern Wisconsin, where the maple-dominant forests usually catch fire in September and burn out by late October, here the oaks turn copper and gold and drop their leaves late. So even if you missed colorama up north, you can still travel a few weeks back in time and catch the peak here.

This was an unusual year, though. There were still a lot of green leaves left, even in late October !
Probably yet another warning sign of global climate change... but don't get me started !

This was an unusual year, though. There were still a lot of green leaves left, even in late October !
Probably yet another warning sign of global climate change... but don't get me started !

This was an unusual year, though. There were still a lot of green leaves left, even in late October !
Probably yet another warning sign of global climate change... but don't get me started !

Camping out for me typically means cooking up a hearty meal of delicious freeze-dried Mountain House lasagna, or if car camping, maybe a burger and a can of delicious Bush baked beans, usually long after the sun has set. But why eat in the dark when the delightful Hotel Trempealeau is just down the road, filled with eager guests from the Cities who drove down for a Saturday evening meal of fish tacos and walnut burgers. Not to mention good spirits and good company !
Hey, this is Wisconsin the Party State !

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