Attention Ape Descendants !!!

Don't click here !
Can you spot the MISSING LINK ?

This is Mars calling ...

Mars and moons

Prepare to Vacate the Premises because ...

Marching Martians

the Martians are Coming !

Calling Planet Earth ...

Our respect for inferior lifeforms requires us to post this warning on your primitive digital planetary "communication" network.

We're looking for a place to hang during the long Martian winter ...
a place a bit closer to the sun.

Your planet will do nicely.

We thought about keeping you around as pets, but we're a bit worried about the upkeep.
Look at the awful mess you've made of your planet already !

Sorry, but it's only evolution. You did it to the passenger pidgeon. Now it's your turn.

( At least we're giving you a chance to find another planet. That's more than you ever did for the Wisconsin cougar ! )

There really isn't any point in whining because there is
absolutely nothing
you can do about it.

So stop whimpering, pack your bags, and prepare to hit the interplanetary road !

( Good luck. And don't forget your towel ! )

Have you seen the Saucers ?
Planet 4, Sol
Milky Way Galaxy

Complain to our Homo Sapien lackey stooge (if you must):
Don't bother us ! We're busy preparing an INVASION !

Earthlings possibly spared from total annihilation.
Offer void in Sector R !

















Mars and moons

















Cool Site from LittleGreenMartians